March 2017 – TS 22163 Preparatory events

CC-Rail is the first and only provider of preparatory courses on the requirements of the next IRIS generation, the ISO/TS 22163. These preparatory courses in German began in October 2016 and will end in May 2017.

CC-Rail conducted a second IRIS/TS 22163 preparatory seminar in Olten (Switzerland). Once again, 10 participants from ABB, Stadlerail, HUBER & SUHNER, Sersa Group, Ruf Telematik AG, Systemtech Schneider AG and Raility AG assessed the lecturer’s behavior and his IRIS competence with 100% customer satisfaction. Especially the following topics were highlighted:

  • the high intensity of the seminar,
  • the many practical examples, which provide a very good understanding, especially in the area of risk and opportunity management, as well as
  • the presentation of the TS22163-requirements in form of flow charts.

Following the publication of the TS 22163 standard and the new IRIS certification rules, including the new IRIS Assessment Sheet, the IRIS Academy will offer two modular seminars. Module 1: ISO/TS 22163 Requirements – The “HIGH School for IRIS MANAGER” focuses on the requirements of the TS 22163 standard, while Module 2: New IRIS Certification Rules: May / 2017 – The “HIGH School for Internal IRIS Auditors ” will inform about the brand-new IRIS assessment methodology.


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