November 12-16, 2018: PIXY AG in Turgi (Switzerland)

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We are very happy that an former customer returns. In 2012/13, CC-Rail helped PIXY AG to obtain its first IRIS certificate. That was not an easy task for a small company with about 25 employees only. But with a sense of proportion and a lot of dedication we had reached our goal.

In the meantime, almost the entire management team has renewed and now they should give a second try after the transition phase ...


Switzerland, Oktober 19, 2018: new IRIS learning concept for 2019 is just released

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You may remember that we reported in our newsletter April 2017, page 2 that IRIS Rev03 requires specific evidences about serveral skills (§7.2.1-3, a KO-criteria!). Taking this into consideration, our new Learning Concept encompases eight modules. Therein you will find many topics which might directly respond to your company’s training needs or your personal development plan.



October 29-November 9, 2018: IRIS mentoring & coaching with CRRC in Boston and Springfield

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CRRC MA is on track! After the IRIS seminar last summer, now we continue with IRIS coaching and mentoring. We had intensive discussions about how to implement a modern and user-friendly business management system during the transition from a remote function to a standalone mature business. The design of the current contracts have been made in Changchun. But future contracts will demonstrate that CRRC is also capable to develop new rolling stock everywhere on this globe.

I would like to thank ...


October 22-26, 2018: 5 days inhouse training at Stadler Rail in Pankow

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CC-Rail has awarded a contract from Stadler Rail to conduct a 1st inhouse training for IRIS Manager at Stadler Rail in Pankow. After last year’s IRIS gap analysis at Stadler in Altenrhein, the company is now preparing the upgrade of its business management system in Berlin-Pankow as a next step. After the site in Valencia, Stadler Pankow might become the second site where Stadler Rail complies to IRIS certification requirements.

I would like to thank Norman Schulz for his engagement and ...


October 8/9, 2018: two days inhouse manager workshop at Krueger & Gothe

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The managing director of Krueger & Gothe GmbH and his entire team of process owners were interested in finding out what IRIS requirements really mean to their business. In particular, they wanted to understand the new requirements of the TS22163 much better from first hand. The seminar was very praised. Finally, it was agreed to continue the project management topic for a further two days session.

I would like to thank Reinhold Mohr for his engagement and the good preparation.


10 – 14 September 2018 – Seminar for “Internal IRIS Auditors” in Berlin

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With today’s ending of the transition phase from IRIS Rev.02 to Rev.03, CC-Rail conducted its last seminar for “Internal IRIS Auditors” in English in Europe in 2018. Participants from Finland, Germany, Estonia, South Africa and Belgium attended. Overall, the participants rated the seminar very well and recommend it with 95% to others.

The seminar delivered comprehensive information that have been prepared in a didactically well-grounded way, provided in a total of 40 training hours and supported by a more than 300-page ...


31 July – 04 August 2018 – inhouse “Internal IRIS Auditor”-seminar at CRRC MA in Boston

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CC-Rails quality policy states that any contract must become a recommendation for the next one. Hence, after a first contract with CRRC in Qingdao, now CC-Rail awarded a contract from CRRC MA in Boston to deliver IRIS training and an IRIS TOP Management awareness session, which is primarily aimed to gain a better understanding of the new ISO/TS 22163 requirements and IRIS Certification rules.

Both services contain comprehensive information that have been prepared in a didactically well-grounded way, provided in a ...


29 June 2018 – Preprint from the upcoming SWISSRAIL Express

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Beforehand, even before the publication in the next SWISSRAIL-EXPRESS, we publish here our article (link, unfortunately the pdf is in German language only). The content of the article fits to the question of “correctly implemented, can the ISO/TS 22163 requirements improve the financial performance of your company?”



25 June 2018 – SWISSRAIL – IRIS info-event in Zurich

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After the last IRIS information event 2011 in Bern, SWISSRAIL decided again to organize an IRIS-event due to the great awareness for the ISO/TS 22163 by the Swiss railway industry in Zurich.

Besides Bernard Kaufmann (UNIFE) and Dietmar Gessner (Head of Fleet Procurement at the SBB) and other speakers, Andreas Heinzmann (CC-Rail) also appeared on stage as a keynote speaker. There was a whole range of useful information, amongst other thinks it was also about the fact that, as DB AG ...

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