October 2023 – IRIS for advanced – IRIS Rev.04 update

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CC-Rail with its IRIS Academy is the global benchmark for training+consulting in the niche segment of IRIS certification since 14 years. Directly following the publication of the ISO 22163 standard and the IRIS Certification Performance Assessment:2023, CC-Rail offers a harmonized concept of IRIS seminars, which can be adapted to the own IRIS pre-knowledge and leaves no customer wishes unfulfilled.
Many thanks to all 11 participants for their confidence in us. Whether this was justified? We prefer to let the participants ...


August 2023 – IRIS Rev.04 – TOP Management Awareness Session

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Great thanks to all 15 managers from Thermon Heating Systems USA Inc. in Texas, for attending our IRIS TOP Management Awareness event. I hope to see you again next year when you are seeking for even more information and want to climb to the next level of competency in managing a rail-specific quality management system. Good luck!

CC-Rail has already updated all of its training materials to reflect the new ISO 22163:2023 or IRIS Rev.04-requirements. Especially business managers need to be ...


June/July 2023 – IRIS Rev.04 training courses in Munich and Olten (Switzerland)

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In the run-up to the publication of the new ISO 22163:2023 standard and the new IRIS certification rules (IRIS Rev.04), again two in-house training courses were held with external guests. There was great interest in learning what the revision of the standard will bring in terms of new requirements.

CC-Rail is the only provider worldwide that has already adapted all its training materials to the new ISO 22163:2023. Different than in the foreword of ISO 22163, we highlight the really important ...


May 2023 – RAM/LCC Online Training

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In May, our instructor Andreas Krönert successfully conducted another RAM/LCC online training course for the CC-Rail Academy. After intensive and open coordination with the participants from Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain, a 5-day course was agreed upon in advance of the event. The modules RAM management and implementation, reliability, availability, maintainability as well as life cycle cost could thus be distributed and taught in relaxed day blocks of approx. 6 ½ hours. Extensive lunch breaks not only provided the necessary ...


May 2023 – ISO 22163 is about to be published – significant changes

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Did you know that you can buy the final draft as ISO/FDIS 22163 under i2i – Product (ISO FDIS 22163 already? However, therefore you would need to have a subscription account at saiglobal.com. At this stage, just before publication, only editorial or orthographic points may be considered in corrections, as the discussion of the content has been completed. Thus, the technical content is already fixed. The ballot had started at the beginning of April and will last 8 weeks. ...


February 2023 – Worldwide RAM/LCC Online Training

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This was a truly global training event: participants from South America (Uruguay), Asia (Japan) and Europe (Switzerland) made the RAM/LCC online seminar in February this year an international event. Appropriate organizational measures were taken in the run-up to the training to ensure that everything ran smoothly. In particular, the training materials were sent to the participants by currier at an early stage, the live meeting tool was tested, and a time window was coordinated to accommodate the different time zones.

The ...


November 2022: RAM/LCC In-House Training at DB Cargo in Frankfurt / Main

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In a 4-day in-house training at DB Cargo in Frankfurt, the topics RAM management and implementation, reliability, availability, maintainability and life cycle costing were discussed and what was learned was deepened in practical exercises. In order to allow participants the greatest possible flexibility in arranging attendance and remote working hours during the training week, the seminar was held as a hybrid event.
The outstanding cooperation and the high concentration of all participants during the complete 4 days were rewarded with ...


November 2022: INTERNER IRIS AUDITOR seminar again held on site as a classroom event

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According to the opinion of all participants, the IRIS Basic Course for Internal IRIS Auditors was a complete success. As usual, the participants came from different countries such as Switzerland, England, France and Germany. The participants thanked it with above-average commitment and very good learning results. The feedback from the participants was consistently very positive. The customer satisfaction analysis was 99%, i.e. all participants would highly recommend this seminar to their colleagues. CC-Rail would like to thank all participants for ...


October 18, 2022 Switzerland

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In September, the IRIS Group published an article announcing an updated version of the IRIS Certification Rules for early 2023. This could be around the same time as the release of ISO 22163 in February/March 23. Purely speculatively, but still logically, these two updates will then probably be referred to as IRIS Rev. 04. The new IRIS requirements will confront you with some challenges that we would like to overcome together with you. In our recent newsletter, ...


June – October 2022: IRIS Academy

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In the last 5 months, we successfully conducted four English and German language seminars around the topics ISO/TS 22163: 2017 & IRIS Certification® Conformity Assessment: 2020 (Internal IRIS Auditor and IRIS for Advanced) as well as Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Life Cycle Cost (RAM/LCC) partly as face-to-face events, but also as online meetings via ZOOM and TEAMS. As always, our participants were very satisfied with the seminar content and the lecturer’s performance, in some cases even delighted.

Although our seminars are ...

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